SECU Comprehensive Cancer Center
Eastern NC experiences a disproportionately high incidence rate of cancer, and the new SECU Cancer Center is a greatly needed community asset that brings outstanding cancer care closer to home for those who live in the region. Facilities in CarolinaEast’s new 110,000 SF cancer center addition include infusion bays, exam rooms, MRIs, CT and PET scanners, mammography, biopsy procedure rooms, pharmacy, laboratory, healing garden, boutique, and chapel.
CarolinaEast Medical Center
New Bern, North Carolina
LaBella Associates

Active Hospital Logistics
This addition was completed on the campus of an active hospital. It involved first demoing an existing building and then our new facility was tied into the hospital at two different locations. It involved extensive off-hours work to complete renovations to their existing linear accelerator facilities inside the main hospital. Work occurred in close proximity to the ED entrance with zero interruptions, and crane logistics were coordinated with the hospital’s life flight service.